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Young Audiences Celebrate Arts In Education

By Mario Tarradell, Public Relations & Marketing Manager

Did you know that ongoing research shows that music education improves skills in math and reading as well as promotes creativity, social development, personality adjustment and self-worth?

In other words: Teach kids to play the recorder, the piano, the guitar, the violin, or the drums and watch them excel at academics. The bottom line is clear – the arts make a huge impact in overall learning and human evolution.

This is no surprise to the good folks at Young Audiences Arts for Learning, the New York-based organization started in 1952 to inspire young people and expand their learning through the arts. Today, Young Audiences is the nation’s largest arts in education network. YA serves more than 5 million children and youth each year in 8,350 schools and community centers through 30 affiliates.

We at Big Thought hold Young Audiences near and dear to our hearts. That’s because Big Thought began as Young Audiences of North Texas in 1987.

So we are happy to help such a great organization celebrate the official National Young Audiences Arts for Learning Week (YA Week), which runs March 27-April 2. “This week will honor the contributions Young Audiences Arts for Learning has made to schools nationwide through arts-in-education programs and encourages Americans to recognize the important contributions the arts make to society,” says the YA Week press release.

There’s even a Resolution to the House of Representatives, introduced by Congressman Leonard Lance (R-NJ), who is also co-chair of the Congressional Arts Caucus, highlighting the efforts of 30 YA affiliates across the country.

“Arts education enables students to develop critical thinking and problem solving skills,” states the resolution, “which supports academic success nationwide as well as personal growth outside the classroom.”

We couldn’t agree more. Big Thought has championed arts for years through our Creative Solutions, Thriving Minds, DaVerse Lounge, Library Live! and Dallas City of Learning programs and initiatives. Taking Young Audiences’ cue, we believe in the transformative power of the arts.

“Young Audiences sees the arts as languages of interpretation and understanding,” says David A. Dik, YA’s National Executive Director. “We realize that in the 21st century, written, oral and numerical literacies are just as important as our understanding and application of design, shape, and presentation. The arts offer unique solutions to both simple and complex problems and they are essential to the cognitive and non-cognitive success of young people in our nation today.”

YA Week is being observed across the country in 22 states by the entire Young Audiences network of 30 affiliates. These affiliates are celebrating this week with special events, school activities, residencies, and performances promoting awareness of YA’s arts-in-education programs. Check out all of the YA Week activities here.