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Healthcare First Responders Learning Center at Hernandez Elementary

The Dallas County COVID-19 Task Force is a county-wide effort to provide emergency child care options for essential workers.

As part of a multi-pronged support strategy, the Task Force has determined the need to pilot 2 emergency child care centers to serve essential medical staff who do not have the option of at-home child care solutions.

The hope is to restore some normalcy to the children’s lives, while their parents are on the frontlines of this pandemic.

In coordination with Dallas ISD and Child Care Group, Big Thought will be operating a free Learning Center at the Montessori Academy at Onesimo Hernandez (5555 Maple Ave, Dallas). The Learning Center will serve children grades K through 5 whose parents or guardians are employed by Children’s Medical Center Dallas, Parkland Hospital and UT Southwestern Medical Center Dallas.

The Learning Center will open on Wednesday, April 22 and will be open on weekdays from 6:00 am until 7:30 pm.  Each learner will receive three meals​ and two snacks each day.​ The maximum capacity for the Learning Center is 50 total students.

Daily health screenings will take place for all staff and students each morning prior to entering campus, and parents will not be allowed into the building. Classrooms will be set up to support social distancing of 6 feet and social-emotional learning activities will be integrated throughout the day.

To register, please contact your hospital system’s HR department.