Discovery Faire Kicks Off Dallas City of Learning Turn Up! Events
By Mario Tarradell, Public Relations & Marketing Manager
Experience learning outside of the classroom!
Explore a world of possibilities at Discovery Faire, the first of three Turn Up! events during this year’s Dallas City of Learning initiative. Discovery Faire features a variety of activities for kids including arts and crafts, 3D printing, music, science experiments, robotics, visual arts, aerialist performances, and so much more.
The 4-hour event kicks off at 11 am Saturday, June 18, at the J. Erik Jonsson Central Library, 1515 Young Street in Dallas. Discovery Faire includes the participation and support of these Dallas City of Learning partners: Arts Vision, Circus Freaks, Dallas Contemporary, Dallas Zoo, Fine Arts Nth, Tammy McNary, Perot Museum of Nature and Science, PolyPrinter, Science Safari, SPCA, We Teach Science and The Writer’s Garret.
And kids, this is your chance to earn DCoL credentials. Complete any one activity and you got an XP. But why stop there? Complete any five activities to make your Discovery Faire experience a DCoL Playlist and you have yourself a digital badge.
So take your pick. Here’s a list of the activities:
First Floor
- Circus Freaks circus school and aerialists demonstration
- Make a balloon rocket car
Second Floor
- DCoL Registration
- Build Stix Structures
- Arts, crafts and entertainment with ArtsVision
- See predators and prey in action with Science Safari
- Sign up for the Mayor’s Summer Reading Club
Third Floor
- Blackout Poetry
- Poetry, Zines, and journal making with the Writer’s Garret
Fourth Floor
- Make a glider or polar bear with Dallas Contemporary
- Make instruments with Fine Arts Nth
- Take photos with Brightness Box
Fifth Floor
- Get a preview of Dallas Young Makers
- 3D printing at work with PolyPrinter
- Go STEM with We Teach Science
Sixth Floor
- See some 3D printing with Dallas Makerspace
- Make a seed bomb or do paper crafts
- Make cat toys with the SPCA of Texas
Eighth Floor
- Make your family crest
- Make enrichment for animals with the Dallas Zoo
- Explore electronics and robotics with the Perot Museum
Discovery Faire is open to the public. Parking and admission are free.
Dallas City of Learning, which aims to beat the opportunity gap that disproportionately affects under-resourced children in Dallas, is a true public-private citywide commitment convened by both the City of Dallas and Dallas ISD and managed by Big Thought. DCoL is supported by a large network of organizations such as museums, libraries, parks, rec centers and neighborhood organizations. Our goal is to spark imaginations while reversing cumulative learning loss.
Big Thought thanks its DCoL donors for their generous support. For a full list of donors, please visit