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Report on Innovative Practices For Funding Nonprofits Shines Spotlight on Big Thought

By brandon.mcknight

The Blueprint for Enterprise Capital makes the case to foundations, major donors, corporations and other funders of social enterprises that enterprise-level grants and investments—in essence, funding that comes with fewer strings and aims to strengthen the organization overall—represents the most effective form of funding to support the work and expand the impact of grassroots nonprofits.

Blueprint for Enterprise Capital: A Strategy for Aligning Capital & Capacity to Magnify Nonprofit Impact

By brandon.mcknight

By: Andrea Levere, with Corey Baron, Elizabeth Davidson, Bryan Fike, Alexandra Sing and Vicky Zhang Published: December 2020 Meeting the Needs of This Moment Our nation is in crisis. The coronavirus pandemic has exposed the deep disparities in our society created by a confluence of factors—structural racism, wealth inequality, the disinvestment in public systems and

Partnerships for Social and Emotional Learning

By brandon.mcknight

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​See early findings and lessons from 38 sites working to implement social and emotional learning support for students across schools and out-of-school-time programs.  ​​Six communities across the country—Boston; Dallas; Denver; Palm Beach County, Fla; Tacoma, Wash.; and Tulsa, Okla.—are exploring whether and how children benefit when schools and out-of-school-time programs intentionally work together to build students’ SEL

Every Summer Counts: A Longitudinal Analysis of Outcomes from the National Summer Learning Project

By brandon.mcknight

Long-term study of summer learning programs finds meaningful benefits over multiple years. Published: December 2020 by The Wallace Foundation Authors: Jennifer Sloan McCombs, Catherine H. Augustine, John F. Pane, Jonathan Schweig Publishing Organization: RAND Corporation The largest and longest study of its kind on summer learning programs reveals short- and long-term benefits among students who

Executive Summary: Early Lessons from Schools and Out-of-School Time Programs Implementing Social and Emotional Learning

By brandon.mcknight

This is the executive summary of a report that offers early lessons from an initiative focused on social and emotional learning (SEL) in elementary schools and out-of-school time (OST) programs. In 2016, in an effort to gain knowledge about how to help children develop SEL skills, The Wallace Foundation launched a six-year project called the