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Dallas City of Learning Summer 2022 Report

By Lindsey Holzmeister

Annual Dallas City of Learning Report Finds a Rebound in Access and Dosage with the Return to Face-to-Face Programming Dallas City of Learning (DCoL), launched in 2014, represents a collection, or ecosystem, of organizations focused on providing programming to youth during out-of-school time and other non-traditional learning spaces. Through these learning experiences youth have the opportunity to

Insights into COVID-19 Impact on Student Learning and Social-Emotional Skills During Summer and Beyond

By brandon.mcknight

Annual Dallas City of Learning Report Finds a Negative Impact on Social-emotional Skills and Majority of Surveyed Students Say They Think They Learn Better In-person DALLAS, TX, February 10, 2021 – Through a public-private partnership, Big Thought, its Dallas City of Learning network and the Center of Research and Evaluation (CORE) at Southern Methodist University

Every Summer Counts: A Longitudinal Analysis of Outcomes from the National Summer Learning Project

By brandon.mcknight

Long-term study of summer learning programs finds meaningful benefits over multiple years. Published: December 2020 by The Wallace Foundation Authors: Jennifer Sloan McCombs, Catherine H. Augustine, John F. Pane, Jonathan Schweig Publishing Organization: RAND Corporation The largest and longest study of its kind on summer learning programs reveals short- and long-term benefits among students who

Launching a Social and Emotional Learning Initiative

By brandon.mcknight

Originally posted on Dec, 16, 2020 By Ally Margolis, Policy & Communications Manager, Every Hour Counts Insights from Six Cities on Building Partnerships to Improve SEL Our country’s compounding crises have magnified the importance of supporting children socially and emotionally. Amidst a global pandemic, systemic racial inequity, and record-breaking unemployment, developing social and emotional learning (SEL)