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Big Thought Raises $21,540 During Successful North Texas Giving Day

By Mario Tarradell, Public Relations & Marketing Manager

Our orange pride is showing! We at Big Thought are grateful, happy and proud about the success of North Texas Giving Day. Your generous donations helped us raise $21,540.

That money will be put to great use in providing kids with creative instruction, transportation to exciting and enchanting places, supplies that become tools for expanding the imagination, family engagement sessions so parents can always be involved, teaching artists ready to offer guidance, and so much more.

The $21,540 total came from 140 donors. But this isn’t the end of the story. The bonus funds haven’t been tabulated yet. All donations of $25 and more are eligible for bonus funds, including the first $2,500 matched dollar for dollar thanks to a special challenge grant. So stay tuned for a really big grand total.

Meanwhile, we thank you so much for your support on North Texas Giving Day and every day. We know that Big Thought wouldn’t be top of mind if folks didn’t believe in the importance of our mission or trust the capacities of our talented staff members to ensure that mission is fulfilled.

Our orange pride always shines!