Just Doodle It
Use Your Noodle and Just Doodle!

In response to the COVID-19 outbreak Big Thought set out to create a fun and interactive online experience to help families engage in different ways in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. Keeping three key, but, very simple goals in mind; to spark and activate creative problem solving, provide an interactive brain break while developing a dedicated community of young, (and not so young) creatives during shelter-in-place, Armando Banchs, Big Thought’s Director of Creative Voices, met with the staff to explore what the virtual format could look like. Banchs remembered a game he played with friends where one person would make a quick scribble and then the rest had a few minutes to create a picture from that scribble. Now, Just Doodle It sparks imagination in the lives of youth and adults in a new way.

For the past three months, youth and their families convene every Wednesday at 4 to share their creative talents and give youth a platform to share their creative voice. One family shared, “Since COVID-19 and doing our best with social distancing, I still wanted Diego to be part of something, not just the school work that had to get done, but tap into his passion, which is art! Diego and I both have been participating in Just Doodle It because it’s an opportunity to tap into our creativity! This also gives Diego a chance to connect to other students and at the same time work on his online presentation skills!”
Why doodle?
Doodling is a great way to take in a mental break and incorporate relaxation. It also activates your left, and, right brain thinking. The left brain is also connected to logic, sequencing, linear thinking, mathematics and more. While the right brain is more visual and intuitive. The right brain is also connected to imagination, intuition, arts, rhythm, nonverbal cues, feelings visualization and more.

As a doodler, Big Thought Marketing Coordinator, Shelby Harris, joined to co-host the sessions. The amazing things about putting pen to paper is anyone can be an artist.

Malia Moore, Librarian at Garland Public Library, now known to the group for her exceptional bird drawings, has been a part from the beginning. “I have never considered myself an artist. I craft, stitch, bead, and I love to color. However, I don’t draw just to draw. Attending Just Doodle It confirms for me that the creative process is often more important than the creative outcome.”

In addition to the local families, there have been a few international participants that have joined as well. Jasmine, stated “It was really nice joining the event and meeting up in this virtual space. I’m from the UK and didn’t realize the rest were from the U.S.” No matter the place or time zone the talent continues to shine across the screens, further connecting us as community. Recently, to boost the fun and add a little friendly competition, a live doodle challenge was added to the session. This was exciting as it turned showcasing art into a fun timed art competition.
As we think about re-entry for students, join Just Doodle It as it’s growing the minds, hearts and talents of our community. Building these healthy relationships with our families and students are important especially as transition into a new normal.
Join us for the next Just Doodle It!
Just Doodle It happens each Wednesday at 4pm. Register online!
– by Shelby Harris