Big Thought is now in Spanish! | ¡Big Thought ahora está en español!
Our mission is simple, Big Thought equips youth in marginalized communities to imagine and create their best lives and world — and for more than 30 years we stand on that principle by continuously innovating and working to meet the needs of our the community. Our diverse communities.
The dedicated Big Thought teams continue to develop new program models, infused design thinking, integrate social and emotional learning and wellness, expand summer camps offerings, online experiences and much more. Big Thought is beyond excited to announce that our website is now in Spanish. The ability to provide organizational information, program offerings, resources and learning opportunities, articles and enrollment details in Spanish with a click of a button is essential to our families.
Big Thought’s Director of Out of School Programs, James Adams stated that “In addition to quality program facilitation, we take pride in being flexible, nimble and responsive to our families. Service is the space that we live by, it’s our DNA. Having the Big Thought website in Spanish is a direct response. We’ve also shifted our application and enrollment processes digitally as well as offer program opportunities online. These digital formats are of great benefit operationally, but the ultimate benefit is to the families, our families.
Service is the space that we live by, it’s our DNA. Having the Big Thought website in Spanish is a direct response.
The ability to fully communicate with our diverse program partners and families on our most used platform by literally and figuratively connecting must be the standard. Byron Sanders, Big Thought President and CEO, states “Our commitment to our youth includes speaking to their families and the community around them. We continue our journey, affirming that commitment to equity with this investment to make our website and communications channels in Spanish. So many of our LatinX youth have an extra mile to go given they come from and live in spaces where English isn’t the first language – we have a responsibility to meet them lockstep on their way to living their best lives.”
Thirty years (plus) young, we’re still learning, growing, changing and challenging ourselves to be the best for the community we serve — proudly standing on our mission. We are community. #ThisIsBigThought